Sultans Dine

Sultans Dine

  • (144)

Our Biryani and other delicious food have earned a name through our loyal patrons over the years. Now we are happy to bring our new official ‘Sultan Dine’ Application to enjoy the same delicacies on the go. Forget the blues amidst our authentic flavors at a click.

The Application allows users to browse through our Menu so that our patrons get a whiff of flavors ranging from Mutton, Chicken Biryani to Classic Delicacies. Biryanis are spiced to perfection and made with the best quality rice. Our specialties include Kachi Briyani, Morog Polao and many more. The app allows you to directly order your food with a whole lot of exciting offers from the application anytime, anywhere! We also have a casual dine-in space which can be viewed directly from the Application.

Version History
  • Update Location Permission Settings
  • Improved location performance and more user friendly.